Every day here in the United States hundreds of children enter into the Foster Care system. When a case worker is called to
remove a child from his home or take a child from one foster home to another, the old familar problem of how to carry the
children's clothing and belongs takes place. Children in the foster care system rarely have a suitcase available for their
own use and the case worker is forced to resort to garbage bags. Using garbage bags for children already dazed and wounded
by their families and the system just adds more wounds to the child. They too, feel like "garbage." The goal of
Fostering Love is to sew duffel bags and make them available to Children's Services and other state workers who regularly
transport children in the foster care system.
Show a child in Foster Care


Why duffel bags and not suitcases? Children's Services Departments are very often understaffed , overworked and in small
confined areas. Our local office has four caseworkers to a room about 8' by 10'. They don't have room to store suitcases
but, duffel bags can be folded and stored in the caseworker's cars. Having them in the trunk makes it easy for the caseworker
to grab one when transporting or removing a child from a home.

Click here for great information on children in Foster Care and foster parenting.
More information on children who have survived the system can be found here at SOS-Fosternet.org
Even more information can be found by clicking here!